Carrot Apple Flax Crackers

carrot flax crackers

These crackers are CRAZY good!

I used the leftover pulp of my LYL detox juice, so they are super affordable, easy to make and high in fiber!

Ideally, you do need a dehydrator to get all the raw vitamins and minerals, but you can also use your oven and bake them!

Makes about 130-140 2” square crackers


 2 cups carrot pulp, left over from juicing OR grate fresh carrots

1 cup apple pulp, left over from juicing OR grate fresh apple

3 cups ground flax

4 cups water

1 cup whole flax

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp herbamare

1 tbsp each dried oregano and basil


  1. Soak ground flax in water and set aside for 10
  2. In a large bowl, place rest of ingredients and add soaked ground flax and mix well.
  3. Spread cracker thin on dehydrator sheets and score into 2” square sized shapes or to any shape cracker you would like.
  4. Dehydrate on 115F for 3 hours, then flip and remove sheet and dehydrate another 2-3 hours until crispy
  5. If using an oven bake for 45 minutes on 300F, flipping them after 25 minutes.

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