Creamy Cauliflower Soup


Keep it simple.  Keep it quick.  Keep it healthy. Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable so that means it has sulfur compounds which help the liver neutralize toxins as it detoxifies.  A healthy liver is important to rid toxins like excess estrogen, synthetic chemicals and heavy metals.  Which means balanced hormones, healthy thyroid, healthy heart and […]

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Shroom and Leek Soup

shiitake mushroom and leek soup

In this creamy, hearty and smoky flavored soup, I didn’t just use any ol’shroom, I used shiitake!  These fungi (fun-gee) are a good source of vitamin C, D, iron, fiber, plant based protein and phytonutrients.  Phytonutrients are plant nutrients and they are the immune system of that fruit or vegetable so they help strengthen our […]

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